Karla's Musings

Employee Free Choice Act — Not Needed!


This legislation is sneaky and misleading.  The name says “free choice” but it is not.  It takes away the long held process of using both card checks and the private voting ballot for workers to decide if they want a third party — a labor union — to represent them to their employer.   This legislation called the “free choice” act is anything but a “free choice”.   It would take away the fundamental right of privacy.  Individuals should feel comfortable deciding the important question of whether or not to have a third party represent them — and they should be free from intentional or unintentional intimidation.    Most workers are opting out of a union work environment, believing unions limit their full potential and constrain their pay and upward mobility. 


Unions have served a good purpose in our work world in the past, and some still do provide useful standards and functions.  We have no reason to pass this unneeded legislation.


We are dangerously close to having this legislation.  Employer and employee apathy will result in passage of this legislation.    The National Labor Relations Act established the foundations for union organizing and it has served us well.  We should not change the process.   Currently private ballot elections are administered by the National Labor Relations Board after a union has acquired at least 30% of the covered workers’ authorization cards to hold an election.   The Board certifies the union as the official bargaining representative of the workers in the majority of votes during the secret ballot election are in favor of the union. 


This process works.  The Employee Free Choice Act, sponsored by Senator Edward Kennedy would amend the NLRA to allow unions to be certified after only the use of the “card check” process with NO voting ballot.    The non secret nature could lead to employees feeling pressured by co-workers or union organizers.  We need to keep the private voting ballot process. 


I hope this legislation is not railroaded through but I fear the tide is strong and it will be the law of our workplace land soon. 


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